Monday, February 2, 2009

A New Blog for a New Year

Well, 2008 sure was a rollercoaster ride for me. It was full of ups and downs, lots of firsts and a couple of (hopefully) lasts. Just to name a few: first cruise, first business trip, survived my first big layoff at work, first engagement--and hopefully last broken engagement. I went to Texas and Maryland for the first time. Did I mention I worked under 3 different bosses last year? And that wasn't because I was changing jobs. To top it all off I bought my first home and moved into it just before Christmas!

So, to stay on the positive note, I decided to start a fresh new blog for this fresh new year. If you'd like to read my past blog entries, just give a little click. Here's hoping for more good things to come this year.

Oh...did I mention new boss number 4 started on Monday?


  1. I'm so glad! I know it's hard to keep updating both Facebook and the blog. I make my blog the priority because it appeals to me more.
